I know this makes you itchy Em!
Woohoo! I can't wait to go boating! Last summer was the first time I wake boarded and it was so much fun. I should edit my video clip so it looks like I am this awesome, amazing, coordinated wake boarder...but lets be honest, I'm definately not. This was one of my more graceful wrecks though. ( I had to keep some of my pride!) Notice how compassionate my fam is in the background. (:
Ogden Canyon Vacation!
Jake's Dad and Stepmom took all the fam to this fun timeshare place in Utah. We had the whole week in some condos and it was such a good time. We went swimming, did some shopping, went to Hogle Zoo (spelling?), and battled a nasty ear infection with Owen. That last part not so fun.
My Family from England!
My mom is from England and her brother still lives there with his fam. They ALL came to visit last summer and it was such a blast! The best part was when we rented a cabin in Island Park so we could all be together. It was absolutely crazy but so much fun. We also went boating and did some sightseeing while they were here. I miss them and wish they were coming back this summer.
My Little Fam!
This was our first summer with Owen as a little family. I will definately remember it as one of the best. Although Jake and I were both pretty busy with school and Owen had issues with ear infections all summer long we still managed to have some really good times. Owen learned how to crawl on June 25, his Grandpa Walker's birthday and never stopped cruising from then. We went to the Rexburg air show which I would recommend because it was so fun. Everything else was just little things here and there, trips to the park, playing tennis, and going for walks but I think those were some of the best times. I know this summer will be fun and different in its own way and I am so excited!!