Sunday, January 24, 2010

Pics, pics, pics

Life at our house still feels like survival mode! My mom went home a week ago...I got to keep her for 6 weeks and it was so amazing to have her. She is so good to us and we loved having her. We made so many good memories and that time we had together will always be one of my favorites. Avery and Ali are 7 weeks old now. Chunkin out and yummy as ever! Owen is starting to realize that they are around for good and has really started taking to them. (: He is pretty cute with them and likes to help burp them. I put lots of pics in this post and I don't have the time to go through and sort them so they are in a crazy order with just a little caption explaining them.

Ali snugglin with Grandma. This was her very favorite spot to nap (:

Avery bundled up and ready to go!

Avery kinda has Uncle Simon's haircut because she lost some of her hair but its really starting to make a comeback (:

Ali's has so much hair and it sticks straight up

Cuddle buddies

Owen checking on his sisters


Owen got blocks for Christmas and he absolutely loves them. All day long, "Mommy play blocks?"

Aves getting snuggles from Kenadee. Ken said she felt like she was wearing a diaper on her face (:

Em and Avery

Wow, ok I promise Ali gets held too but for some reason all the pics I used
are with Avery. This time she is getting loves from her cousin Brooklyn

Owen with his buddy Aiden. Tyler and Kaydee came to visit a few days after Christmas and it was so fun to see them!

Owen with his other buddy (and someday wife) Mia. Its not like Amber and I have plans for them or anything (: We love it when our friends are in town!

I think this is our first family picture all together.

I don't know why this turned sideways but this is the girls in their Christmas jammies!

Owen playing in the wreckage. He LOVES his McQueen jammies and it is not easy getting them off him in the mornings!

Look at that smile...I knew I hit the jackpot with this one

I just think this is funny.

Grandma with her little bear cubs

Christmas Eve dinner! I got to steal my parents and have them to myself for Christmas this year! My fam is pretty sure I planned the twins just for this reason (:

Owen making it hard for his daddy to sleep

Both my girls in the bouncer!

I had to put this on here because even though life is so crazy right now, times like this make it so worth it. Seriously, how many people get to do this.

Thanks so much Mom and Dad for everything!

My life is pretty much feeding babies, changing bums (3 of them!), and playing blocks. Getting a shower in can be tricky and sometimes I feel like I'm spread so thin. But when I get a smile or a sweet little coo or when Owen asks me if I went potty and then says, "Good job mommy, good job!" it makes all the tough moments seem not so tough. Love my little fam.